A sustainable and prudent attitude towards the surrounding environment is one of our core values. It is nevertheless obvious that construction is a field that inevitably affects the condition and safety of the environment to a significant extent. We must therefore be especially mindful and diligent to reduce our impact and load on the environment. We try to continuously reduce the negative impact in our activities and be as sustainable as possible.
Environmental policy
· We are an environmentally sustainable company insofar as technically possible and economically viable
· We organise its daily activities such as to be able to comply with the principles of continuous protection of the environment. We try to use technological processes, equipment and materials that do not pose a substantially harmful impact on the environment, prevent such an impact, and maintain the impact within certain limits
· We regularly assess the environmental impact in relation to our activities
· The important aspects that affect the environment and accompany our activities are under our constant scrutiny, and the company undertakes to avoid polluting the environment
· We comply with all the legislation related to our principal activity and any other requirements in relation to the activities of the company, quality and the environment that the company has recognised
Main courses of action of environmental policy:
· compliance with legislation and other requirements regulating the activities of the company
· taking into consideration the sensitive nature of the surrounding environment and protecting it
· optimal usage of natural resources
· exchange of information and improvement of mutual understanding (residents, local governments and other possible interest groups); taking the expectations of all parties into consideration
· ensuring the existence of the materials and financial and other resources that are required in order to meet the established goals
· conducting internal environmental audits
· preferring materials and technologies that are environmentally sustainable
We acknowledge that the work in the field of environmental safety is constant and ongoing. We must bear in mind that we need to be persistent and honest in order to achieve the right balance between development, nature and people.